Haus of Hiatus ~ web design & brand studio

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18 months on: Frostware video game development studio

In early 2022, we designed the branding for US-based video games developer, Frostware, to help them engage with their millennial audience of highly playable action games.


Their lead title in development, ‘Coldfortune’, is a third-person survival adventure game, that sequences use fixed-camera perspectives for a moody view of the world ahead. Their first title is expected to be released in late 2023, which will blend exciting expect gunplay with cinematic hand-to-hand quick time event (QTE) combat


We recently caught up with the founder and CEO, Marc Morriseau, to find out more how the company is getting on since we created their brandmark.


1. Hi Marc, great to chat again. For our readers, what are your main products and services?


Marc: My company, Frostware, makes video games and provides consulting to the video games industry also. Our products are story-driven game play experiences that highlight fresh and unique perspectives.


We're very much focussed on innovation and not out here chasing trends or recycling old ideas. Our mission is to make the games no one else could make!


2. Has your brand had to adapt to the changing marketplace over the last few years?


Marc: Not really, we focus on making really playable experiences and we’ve got 3 titles under development at the moment: ColdFortune, Crime Sumo, and ‘PROJECT 8’.


3. How important has brand value been in resonating with your customer base?


Marc: Since you created our brand identity, it’s really gaining recognition! People love the brand and the products associated with it – it’s a really exciting time to be developing these projects for our excited audience underneath something that really resonates with the people we want to reach out to.


4. Do you see the business launching new products or services based on the success or market changes?


Marc: Haha, no – 3 titles is more than enough for our team to handle!


5. What types of marketing are you using that are really resonating with your customers?


Marc: We’ve found social media marketing really engages our customer demographic.


6. Has the changing business landscape pushed your company to experiment with new approaches to attract customers and highlight your brand’s value?


Marc: We’ve been really quite insulated from changes in the last few years.


7. What are you forecasting to be future challenges in growing your business profile over the coming years?


Marc: Figuring out how to leverage new tools like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning is a new challenge we're experimenting with right now, it’s an exciting time for the industry as a whole.


8. How often are you revising your marketing strategy given the changing circumstances (i.e., advances in AI, challenges retaining talent, difficulties in online brand engagement, etc).


Marc: It’s been incredibly stable, so we don’t need to alter it at the moment, we know our customer and our demographic.

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