Building a profile in the defence tech sector

In today's dynamic landscape of technological innovation, establishing a strong presence for your defence tech start-up is essential for success. While the industry is competitive, there are numerous strategies you can employ to elevate your profile and stand out among the crowd. Here, we explore some effective methods to help propel your defence tech venture to new heights.


  • Strategic Partnerships: Forge strategic alliances with established players in the defence industry. Collaborating with larger companies or government agencies can provide invaluable resources, expertise, and credibility to your start-up. Seek partnerships that align with your mission and objectives, leveraging their networks to amplify your visibility and reach.

  • Thought Leadership: Position yourself as a thought leader in your field by sharing valuable insights, expertise, and innovative ideas through various channels. Write articles, whitepapers, or blog posts showcasing your knowledge and perspective on key issues in defence technology. Participate in industry events, conferences, and webinars as a speaker or panellist to demonstrate your thought leadership and expertise.


  • Media Relations: Build relationships with relevant journalists, bloggers, and media outlets covering defence and technology topics. Pitch compelling stories, press releases, or guest articles highlighting your company's achievements, product launches, or industry insights. Securing media coverage can significantly boost your visibility and credibility within the industry.

  • Social Media Engagement: Harness the power of social media platforms to engage with your target audience, share updates about your products or services, and foster meaningful connections. Utilise platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram to showcase your company culture, highlight achievements, and interact with industry influencers, potential customers, and partners.

  • Industry Awards and Recognition: Pursue industry awards, accolades, and certifications to validate the quality and innovation of your products or services. Winning prestigious awards or earning certifications can enhance your credibility, differentiate your brand, and attract attention from potential customers, investors, and partners.

  • Investor Relations: Cultivate relationships with potential investors, venture capitalists, and angel investors who specialise in the defence and technology sectors. Present compelling investment opportunities, demonstrate market traction, and articulate your growth strategy to secure funding and support for your start-up's expansion and development.

  • Community Engagement: Engage with the defence and technology communities through participation in industry forums, networking events, and online communities. Contribute valuable insights, share experiences, and build relationships with fellow professionals, potential customers, and partners to expand your network and raise awareness of your brand.


By implementing these strategies and staying proactive in your efforts to raise the profile of your defence tech start-up, you can effectively position your company for success in the competitive landscape of the defence industry. Stay focused, persistent, and innovative in your approach, and watch as your start-up gains recognition, traction, and momentum in the market.

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Chris Shirley MA FRGS

About the Author: A former Royal Marines officer and advisor to the BBC, Chris has travelled in over 60 countries, is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Guinness World Record holder for rowing over 3500 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, a Marathon des Sables finisher, and is the founder of ‘Haus of Hiatus’, a website design and branding studio that designs and amplifies start-ups, scale-ups and special projects around the world.

He has worked with Hollywood actors, world–renowned musical artists and TV personalities, and is delighted to have had his work featured by the United Nations, Red Bull, BBC, and even seen at the South Pole!

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