What is your brand’s personality?

This may seem like an obvious question when we ask, but many clients aren’t able to communicate what their brand’s personality is.


This is important because without being able to describe the space where your brand fits in, you’ll waste time in hunting around unnecessarily to find it when you could be reinforcing and defending it. Even if you can’t define the exact street, you should know the neighbourhood or city (see our article on how this metaphor works).


Your brand personality is like the location on a map, it helps you to figure out what your customer’s journey looks like, whose shadow to avoid (see earlier article), and what barriers exist for new leads finding you, so you can remove them.


How to define your brand’s personality


Your brand personality has been crafted by you and your team, to solve your customer’s problem.


Therefore, the brand personality will be largely defined by what problem you’re trying to solve (except for the times when you’re trying to enter a new market, clearly).


So, the baseline look will be somewhere rooted in your subconscious, and you may not know how to communicate it. This is fine, we have ways to pull this out, and crystalise it into a look that you’ll immediately recognise as ‘the right neighbourhood’, or not.


The more challenging element of this will be fine tuning its final position, as that level of subtlety may not be known very well to you yet.

To help with this, go and do something else. Seriously, chasing the idea around to pin it down will leave you feeling unhappy with it in the long term. However, letting it ‘breathe’ will help your subconscious to decide if it’s the right fit after all. It will feel like an odd experience at first but trust us – time doing something else will help your subconscious mind decide if it’s right in the end.


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Chris Shirley MA FRGS

About the Author: A former Royal Marines officer and advisor to the BBC, Chris has travelled in over 60 countries, is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, a Guinness World Record holder for rowing over 3500 miles across the Atlantic Ocean, a Marathon des Sables finisher, and is the founder of ‘Haus of Hiatus’, a website design and branding studio that designs and amplifies start-ups, scale-ups and special projects around the world.

He has worked with Hollywood actors, world–renowned musical artists and TV personalities, and is delighted to have had his work featured by the United Nations, Red Bull, BBC, and even seen at the South Pole!


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