If you offer complex services, consider making a shadow brand to use as a lead magnet

If you offer complex services, consider making a shadow brand to use as a lead magnet

We commonly work with organisations that offer complex products and services that find it hard to concisely articulate the benefits without overdoing it. So sometimes, we advise a strategy of creating a shadow brand to use as a lead magnet for people that might have an interest and need for the service or product, so that there is space to detail more about what it actually is.

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Traditional marketing is dead. Get over it.

Traditional marketing is dead. Get over it.

It’s time for companies to understand that we’re now in the era of content and influencer marketing, so your Pay-Per-Clicks (PPC) spend is almost irrelevant. And if you’re still reluctant to believe digital personalities make money by making content, let us signpost you to some astonishing examples.

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Map out your customer journeys to see your branding gaps

Map out your customer journeys to see your branding gaps

Mapping out your customers’ journey helps to identify the effectiveness of your previous marketing campaigns and strategies, generate fresh ideas to take advantage of new technologies and platforms since the last campaign, and plan where and how the future ones might look to start conducting gap analysis and training needs analysis on.

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What is a key customer demographic analysis, and how do you do it?

What is a key customer demographic analysis, and how do you do it?

By mapping out multiple customer profiles (unless your offering is really niche, you should have more than just one), you’ll be able to prioritise where to aim your efforts to increase awareness amongst their cohort, which one should be focussed on (as it might vary with the seasons), and how much resources to allocate to those efforts.

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Why you should optimise your branding for mobile-first customer journeys

Why you should optimise your branding for mobile-first customer journeys

With the transition of most of our attention away from the outside world (especially over winter and in the last few years of the pandemic) towards social media, streaming content, and maybe soon – the metaverse, the reach of traditional marketing platforms like billboards is slowly dying off.

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